Residual Schizophrenia is a form or kind of Schizophrenia in which a person is earlier diagnosed with Schizophrenia but after its treatment and therapies it’s been recovered but certain symptoms are still existing with less frequency and effect. There are no longer existence of the psychotic symptoms but certain symptoms such as illogical thinking, being blunt in conversations, strange, odd or weird behavior or getting social withdrawal among the knowns or family members.

- Nervousness: With anxious mood, the person becomes too moody and gets feelings of fear, panic and becomes uneasy in the general routine life at times with a variety of reasons. It may also include nausea, getting obsessive thoughts for doing anything, problems in sleeping, nightmares, tremors or shivering.
- Pains: The person may feel pains anywhere in body and it can be acute or chronic and is defined in various ways, according to intensity, duration, type (dull, burning or too intense or acute), source, or location in body.
- Being in a depressed mood: In depression a person feels more sad and unhappy for an extended period of time. If proper treatment is not taken for depression then it is in a progressive condition to step ahead with more depression and sadness.
- Lethargy & Exhaustion: With this symptom, a person gets the feelings of weariness, tiredness or lack of energy. It is not drowsiness in which one feels to sleep more and more but it is the lack of energy and motivation.
- Restlessness: With this, a person does not feel the need to sleep and is mostly awake. It is the difficulty in getting a full restful night sleep. A person gets up frequently during nights and he may get up too early in the morning then the desired times.

Causes and Risk Factors of Residual Schizophrenia:

As the actual reasons or causes for any kind of Schizophrenia cannot be determined, researchers and doctors have come to the conclusion that Schizophrenia is caused due to the imbalance or deficit in the neurotransmitters of the brain. The neurotransmitters affecting and making dysfunction or onset of Schizophrenia are Dopamine and Serotonin. The imbalance of these chemicals in the brain leads to generation of any kind of Schizophrenia as the person then dysfunctions with the imbalance of these chemicals. A person doesn’t gets correct instructions from the brain to function well. Environmental triggers also contribute to the onset of Schizophrenia as the person is then faced to various kinds of feelings and behaviors that he is then not able to decide over the correct things.
Risk Factors Of Schizophrenia:

There are also certain risk factors identified by the doctors and researchers which are associated with Schizophrenia. Those are mentioned below:
- Hereditary chances of Schizophrenia from parents to their children.
- Stress: When a person is stressed in his early life due to the environment or atmosphere he spends time in,
- Fetal Malnutrition: Not having proper or timely meals most of the time in his life.
- Viral Infections: Disease causing or biological/ pathological infections.
- Trauma or childhood abuse: If a child is abused or scolded a many times by his parents without any reason. Even if he gets into trauma sessions with the accompanying family and friends then the chances of Schizophrenia increases.
- Drug Abuse: If a person becomes habitual to drugs and takes them very regular and continuous then the side effects of those drugs makes him abuse or shout at others with no reason.
- Parental age of conception: If among a couple the age of becoming parents to a child is not proper or adult age then it may also cause certain triggers from the society or knowns which may affect the feelings of the couple and they might think and feel negativity or emptiness.